Senior nurse speaking with patients

How to Become a Clinical Nurse Specialist

Duties, Responsibilities, Requirements, Certifications, Job Outlook, and Salary Registered Nurses (RNs) are at the front line of patient care, improving the lives of millions of people around the world every day. (Click here to learn how to become a Registered Nurse (RN)) RNs can become specialized in several different areas of healthcare which can further their […]

Female nurse with a pediatric patient

How to Become a Pediatric Nurse

Duties, Responsibilities, Requirements, Certifications, Job Outlook, and Salary One of the many perks of nursing is you can specialize in the area of healthcare where you feel most passionate. All nursing specialties have a distinct set of job responsibilities, patient groups, and work environments. Most specializations also require unique academic qualifications and certifications. (Click here […]

African-American nurse with a laptop

How to Become a Nurse Researcher

Duties, Responsibilities, Requirements, Certifications, Job Outlook, and Salary There are a variety of nursing specialties that Registered Nurses (RNs) can pursue upon earning their license. Every nursing career has its own distinctive job responsibilities, work environments, and perks. There are also varying educational requirements depending on the position. In this article, we’ll take a look […]

Portrait of a young smiling nurse

CNA to RN: Taking the Next Step in Nursing

Learn how and why CNAs are furthering their education to become Registered Nurses. Many people aspire to become nurses. Unfortunately, not everyone has the time or financial means to earn their associates or bachelor’s degree. As a result, some nurses choose to begin their careers as Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA). Becoming a CNA is a […]

Female nurse listening to a child's heartbeat

How to Become a Pain Management Nurse (RN-BC)

Duties, Responsibilities, Requirements, Certifications, Job Outlook, and Salary Registered Nurses (RNs) have the unique ability to choose what they’d like to do with their careers after they earn their license. There are several different nursing specialties to choose from, all with their own job responsibilities, work environments, and perks. Each of these specialties requires different […]

A team of medical professionals

RN vs. BSN

Learn the differences in duties, requirements, specialties, and salaries between an RN and a BSN Registered nurse. Has a nice ring to it, don’t you think? For those who reach that level of nursing accreditation, it announces to the world that you have accomplished something truly special. It says you have the education, experience, and […]